w3c blocks delivering dtd to eclipse (response code 503)

•March 13, 2010 • 1 Comment

This is so unfair! I am using eclipse with many xml and xhtml files. The Eclipse validator is very faithful and does DTD/schema checks all the time. So it happened that the w3cs servers had enough of my requests and started to deliver only a 503 response. They announced to do something like that in the following document:


Now I started developing some application that reads mediawikis through the Java Wiki Bot Framework (https://sourceforge.net/projects/jwbf/), which is very nice … BUT! … whenever I try to get a page from a wiki, the framework wants to check the DTD. The DTD can’t be checked due to the w3c problem above. Hence, an Exception is thrown:

( jwbf-generic-mediawiki-DEVEL )
net.sourceforge.jwbf.core.actions.util.ProcessException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd

I reported a bug to jwbf (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2969840&group_id=192186&atid=940382), but I would rather like to have my DTDs checked. If w3c can’t handle the impact of their standards, they should think again before they suggest DTD-checking.

So unfair…

Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd

ApacheDS 1.0.2 rpm Does Not Install Functioning Starting-Script

•April 21, 2009 • Leave a Comment

I downloaded the following rpm from Apache: apacheds1.0.2 and installed it whithout doing anything else. Everything went fine at first, but then I recognized, that the server didn’t start, though the script /etc/init.d/apacheds start finished with a success message. This problem did not show up when I used /etc/init.d/apacheds debug — I was able to reach the server, when I used this option, but who wants to debug all the time?! So, to make a long story short: I searched for a solution for a very long time and eventually found this post and it lead me to that jira entry.

With these documents I was able to solve the problem, as it was proposed in the latter one: I simply killed the option -user=$APACHEDS_USER in /etc/init.d/apacheds in the start section. Thank you, Ole Ersoy!

Suppressing Variable Substitutions and Header in Oracle SQL-Scripts

•December 4, 2008 • 1 Comment

So today I had another problem: I had an sql-script which should run on a database which changes ip-address from time to time (and does not have a domain name that would be found by any DNS). So I wanted to pass teh ip-address as a parameter, as well as the username and password. Imagine the script is called mySQLScript.sql, so it would be called from the command line as follows:

sqlplus -s /nolog @mySQLScript.sql /nolog $HOST $USER $PWD

The variables $HOST, $USER and $PWD have to be initialized before.

What I want to do with the script, is to select rows from table and then write them into a csv-file. So mySQLScript will look like the following:

CONNECT &2@&1/&3;
SELECT a, b, c, d FROM table;

To write the csv-file I want to use awk like this:

sqlplus -s /nolog @mySQLScript.sql /nolog $HOST $USER $PWD  \
	| awk '{print "\"" $1 "\",\"" $2 "\"," $3 "," $4}' \
	> csv.dat

But now I have the problem, that there is a line with the table-header in it, and one with the minuses, which seperate the heading from the data. And much worse: I have these lines which tell me that I was substituting something and say something like:

old 1: $1
new 1: myUserName

That’s not what I want. So after long searches, I found, that I can simply put these two lines in my script and everything works fine:


The first is for the heading (who would have thought that 🙂 ), the second for the substitutions.

Be careful: You have to add these lines before the first verification comes up:

CONNECT &2@&1/&3;
SELECT a, b, c, d FROM table;

Thanks to this post: http://www.mydatabasesupport.com/forums/oracle-server/367673-how-suppress-oracle-old-new-messages-sqlplus.html.

Using SQL*plus produces ORA-01034 and ORA-27101 errors

•December 3, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Well, great. No day without another stupid problem. This is one I am totally sure to have solved at least three times before, but never saved the solution in my memory. I was trying to use SQL*plus with my local Oracle Express Database and I have another machine yet, that uses the same combination. So I knew I had to set ORACLE_HOME to the directory from which I can reach sqlplus by typing bin/sqlplus, I had to set ORACLE_SID to the standard XE and set the path to $ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH. What I did not remember were to things I found out by try and error, and this friendly document:


1. ORACLE_HOME must not have a trailing slash!!!

2. ORACLE is case-sensitive, at least it was this time 😦 , so it must not be xe in my case, but has to be XE.

That was it. I hate it. Bad world, bad oracle, bad me, bad all, bad, bad, bad…

“Here Document” in Bash-Script made stupid problems

•December 2, 2008 • 4 Comments

In a bash-script I wrote I had a stupid problem with the “<<” (here document) operator. And this is only because I am too structured 🙂 I wanted to write an ftp-call inside a for-loop, something like that:

for filename in `awk '{print $1}' /my/directory/myfilewithfilenames.dat`
    ftp -n <<EOFTP
        open my.ftp.host
        user myusername mypwd
        put $filename

Do you see the problem? Well, it is simply, that the end of “here document”, the “EOFTP” must not be indented. It must look like this instead.

for filename in `awk '{print $1}' /my/directory/myfilewithfilenames.dat`
    ftp -n <<EOFTP
        open my.ftp.host
        user myusername mypwd
        put $filename

This cost me half a day. And it is so ugly, insn’t it? I think I don’t like shell-scripting at all. I will return to python, or maybe perl, whereever I can. Grmpf.


•February 25, 2008 • 6 Comments

Ok, here is the first post, and it’s about like completely nothing. I promised to write about software problems and stuff, nearly 2 month ago. And what do I do? Well, actually nothing. Obviously. I’m too much into work and university, even too much to write about the things I have t do with all over the day. But maybe, maybe there will be a time in the not so far future where I will have to post here, because I will have to make an exam on EJB 3.0 and JPA 1.0. So, as nice as necessary, I will have to write too much about these topics. And if I will be f***ed up about all that, I will be forced to write it down exactly here. And. Because the if-clause is nothing else than if(true), I can assure you, this blog will be full of more or less interesting content very soon. Actually, at least more interesting than this post, I guess.